Saturday, October 31, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Updates & Replies
Anonymous: No..none of that stuff for me.. none that i know of at least... hmm
LB: Nice to see you around again.. I do miss writing and expressing myself at times. One of these days.. Prague is not far
So..Miho DID show up to Goodie Two Shoes Wedding and she's also visiting me in Shanghai SOON.. Life IS good to me
And I have still YET to finish my first video game...LOL.. apparently I can live on without playing Galactrix and crystal meth..What daya know..
Monday, July 27, 2009
Wakeboarding Weekend plus a few new TV Shows (yet all HBO)
Hmmm I don't think I made a New Years Resolution for 2009 (Maybe I did but I forgot what it was) but for someone who didn't make resolutions. I think I made it really far this terms of accomplishing what I'd think I would set as goals for this year...
Let's see.. I have..
- Read 3 books so far "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell and (in a less proud tone)"Twilight" & "New Moon" by Stephanie Meyer. But least I'm reading.
- Travelled to Hawaii and Tokyo, although have been to both places before but still went to NEW parts of it Niigata and Maui. Went skiing for the 1st time too!! And caught my 1st wave!
- Told myself I'd focus on either Golf or Wakeboarding this summer. And Wakeboarding overulessssss. Thinking of getting my own board now. DAMN
- Running a 10k Nike Race on August 8th and managed to recruit 6 more miserable people to join me. I WILL NOT go down alone
- Completed an Interior Design Short Course from Jiao Tung University, Floorplanner & Sketch up is useful, wish I did more CAD Stuff
- May perhaps get my own place to be.. oh whats that term.. Financially Independent???
- Best part being is getting along great...Can it be? Everyone is happy = bobo is happy
Now just some volunteer work or philanthropy before Christmas time / year end. Then I've been a good girl and I get presents from "Sandy Claws" (don't blame yourself if you don't get the Nightmare before Christmas connotation, not many people do)
So this weekend...Yes... I've done nothing but what the NEW AGE MILLENIUM teenage mutant ninja turtle would do.."Wakeboard" rather than skateboard, PLUS eat pizza and watch TV. Ahhhh Pizza..somehow I think TMNT definitely brainwashed my generation with it. Anyway..TV.. been watching ALL the new stuff from HBO..yes I'm one of the millions that download my TV scoop from . Hung is pretty kool but a bit slow for my liking..the protagonist is way too douchbag for me to have pity on him... Is it me or does Anne Heche look like Frances Conroy is Six Feet Under? And the twins being defiant red heads? Hmmm.. Anyway.. Entourage Six.. same old stuff i guess..but Vince just doesn't seem that kool to me anymore.. and everyone is settling down..Kinda boring. And here comes my favorite "True Blood" Season 2... Oh thank you HBO.. Southerners + Vampires..Brilliant..If Vampire Bill wasn't a Vampire..would he be interested in Sookie?? Errr Big Fat NO.. Oh ..its sooo good... True Blood is definitely my fave show for 2008..lets see if its still my fave for 2009
Honestly..i'm not downloading anything else but HBO for now...maybe when "The Hills" or "The City" comes out from MTV.. Oh I may appear to be an intellectual at times but do NOT be fooled I AM A DUMB BLOND BIMBO that yearnsss drama..
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Into the wild self destructive path of Galactrix
Part 1.
During the past 2 days of recovery from my last weekend, I'm sure some of you have recieved random messages from me saying "I loathe myself....." , "Video games are like drugs but Galactrix is like crystal meth" and "Hi my name is Eva and I'm a user" An amazing experience happened last weekend as I got sucked into this uber addictive game Galactrix and i think i definitely discovered a new side of myself (aka my new "low")
I started this game while I was still on vacation, saw my bf playing it on his NDS and he casually asks me if I want to quote unquote "try" and the road to self destruction starts here. We both got super into the game taking turns playing at least a good 5-6 hours combined then the battery ran out. Hence leads to this Saturday where I ask him for the site to download this game.
Background: Yes I have an NDS but I'm a what you would call "NON-USER" , i have never in my entire LIFE finished any video game that i started. Maximum hours spent on a game..perhaps 5 hrs or less
Me: Hey send me the site for the NDS games
The "Supportive" Bf: You're gonna download Galactrix..aren't you? (Speaking like a true video game addict excited that I may perhaps share his passion)
Me: I might.... (Thinking you know DAMN WELL I will..but I won't admit it)
Figured out how to download and all the transfers are complete
Starts playing the game, in which I needed to restart the whole mission again. Damn!
Popcorn for dinner!!! Back to the game
The DVD movie that I put in plays the same Jingle repeatedly for half an hour. (I usually put movies in when I'm in the house, I may not be watching it but I always like to put it in, i maybe showering, cooking, trying to fall asleep or playing nds. Here the movie ends and I'm too drawn to the game to do anything about the annoying sound of a repeated jingle)
Finally turns off the TV..goes back to the game.
Wow..I'm still playing..time is moving fast
Looks at the time thinking..."Really??? Almost 4?"
The window is seeping thru I can't sleep properly (I can only attain quality sleep when i fall asleep when its dark)
Brightly lightened room. Urghhhhhhhh....I think I should sleep ..or should I? Just let me clear this leapgate.
Cleared the leapgate like 15 minutes ago..but played a few more games.. Off to bed
I told you I can't get quality sleep when its bright outside. Wakes up and turns on the NDS....
This feels wrong.. I haven't gotten out of bed yet but I'm playing NDS
Really need to pee..finally get out of bed ..brush my teeth and pee. Time used prolly 3 minutes then back to Galactrix
Hmmm Should I eat? It's 2
I should put it a movie and make some food , bball practise is at 6pm should definitely have something digested well before practise
Time is pressing...urghhhh..but I can't stop...urghhhhhhhh
Screw bball practise. More Galactrix
I feel like fainting..why do i feel quesy???..Perhaps i should put on a movie and cook something 30 minutes
Makes Popcorn..continues with game ..texts the BF.. "What did you do to me? This game is evilllllllllllllllllllll...i didn't even have a drop of water since I've woke up"
Puts chicken wings in oven and broil veggies. Wastes 1 minute of game time.
Hits the WALL...I can't take this anymore ..i can't play anymore..I can't believe I just played for 15hrs or was it 20..i just can't ...I'm gonna vomit my popcorn...then plays 3 more games then stops
While still in disbelief of what just occured.. I decided to watch "Into the Wild"...Phone's the BF....chuckles and says playfully "Which game were you playing???"
Me: OHhhhhhhhhh SHUDDUP...You know it...
The BF chuckles more: Are you stilling playing...Hee hee heee..(At this point he chuckles so wonder if he's been secretly waiting for this moment since our 1st date)
Me moaning: Urrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhh ..Nooooooooooo..I just... I just couldn't take it was just too much.. I just couldn't do it.. I mean I wanted to..but I just can't
The BF: Wow!
Me: Now I know how you feel like ..and now I understand how you can just eat one meal a day..when i'm playing I don't miss food, peeing or anything...
Then we compare notes on the game. He had the extra mission ahead of us..where we did on the plane and obviously he played for 2 or 3 days after we got back etc. And we discovered that within our last call which was yeserday afternoon and now. I have SURPASSED his level and he finally realizes to what depths of OCD I have sunken to. Come on ..I didn't eat or drink for the whole day.. bathroom ONCE.. I was so into the game I wouldn't mind missing a heart beat or not breathing and suffocate for that matter if it was obsructing my game time.(Lucikly both were easily mutitasked items that were not interfering the game)
The BF: Nooooooooooooooo way... Oh my god... No way......
Part 2.
After 5 minutes, I then returned to my movie "Into the Wild" and it was great, Chris Mccandless lived a happy life indeed. The movie is based on the true story and last writings of the Chris aka Alexander Superstramp. With grades good enough to attend Havard Law School, Chris decided to travel after graduation, abandoning his car, hitchhiking and living in trailer parks. Scraping by at fast food joints to save money for his great Alaskan trip. Some interesting facts that was left out in the movie was that Chris did try to leave but the river was already flooded in which he couldn't cross however ironically a self manuvered tram was only 1/4 mile away from the 142 bus. His body was discovered only 2 weeks after his death by moose hunters when he was alone in the wild for over 4 months.
Favorite Mccandless Quotes:
"Quoted from Thoreau,Rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth."
"Some people feel like they don't deserve love. They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps of the past."
"Careers are a 20th century invention and I don't want one."
"Two years he walks the earth.No phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes. Ultimate freedom. An extremist. An aesthetic voyager whose home is the road. No longer to be poisoned by civilization he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild."
Many have been quick to judge Chris as being reckless and ignorant to travel with so little to Alaska. But it is they who are not enlightened. If we were to judge Chris on his actions 50years ago, would it seem plausible? How about 100 years ago? For hundreds and thousands of years, man has lived in solidarity with wilderness. Has the modern lifestyle blinded us with materialism and consumption of waste so that living with bare essentials seem moronic, naive and irresponsible? I shun those who judge his actions for it is you that is ignorant in realizing what you are. Although I still eat fast food, watch DVDs, sit in front of a lap top for over 10 hrs a day and play NDS on my weekends. I KNOW who I am and how consumption is eroding the human mind and our beloved nature and to top it all, my career propagates consumption to the full extent. But the point is I KNOW and I may not be brave enough to let go of that false security of belongings and belonging but I vow not to turn my back from this knowlege and try to make a difference.
Yes imagine how shitty I felt after the movie, Chris's seclusion and detachment from the world into the wild was so beautiful and genuine. While my short yet intense seclusion and detachment from EVERYTHING was sooooo dispicable, low and degenerate. Yes. I do loathe myself. Yet do i regret it? No . Will I do the same again? A good 50% and relative soon too I predict. Because also...A rebel, non-conformist, self centered & detached being that I am, will only do what my heart guides me to. So let me end with this
If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, the possibility of life is destroyed.
Tolsoy, War and Peace (Also was in the book and Movie)
The End
Decidated to are the one and only Chris Mccandless character in my life that comes to mind. If you do travel to the wild, just don't die and bring a map.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Oh yess..its the guy who broke into my car (whom I shall refer as "the dufus" from now on..cos really..i had some doubts on his professionalism when i saw that he decided to break my windshield rather than my side window to open the door to get into my car and this photo further justifies the name) And check it out...he's holding my IPOD too...Kodak Moment Everyone
Anyhoo..i'm happy really.. truly..i mean..i got my stuff stolen..and in my mind it was 99% unrecoverable..and now i have it back... Miraculous .. and i must say I am an anomoly .. And I am going to make this incident to somehow teach myself to be positive.. cos statistics are just statistics..and sometimes the unthinkable happens.. yettttt..i guess it does goes both ways as well like there is a chance of extreme jinx.. urgh.. is this another one of those turning full circle waste of time again..
Monday, April 20, 2009
Little miss goodie two shoes..from Utah..
Drumroll please.....
10. Watching Donielle study her exams in Mechanical Engineering....AH HAAA! I knew she wasn't perfect !! But it was funny watching her getting frustrated.. cos frankly she never gets frustrated..
9. My bad roomate rants..and I lived in their place for like a week or drama...
8. Waking up while living at their place...and the first thing that pops to mind is "WTF???? Oh.. it's Miho's NEW COFFEE MACHINE..that sounds like a bulldozer"
7. Calling Miho on the phone to talk for an hour an a half..then us both coming to a realization..that why don't I just walk 2 minutes to her dorm room and chat face to face... GENIUS..PURE GENIUS
6. The aweeeeeeeesome plane ride that ms pilot Donielle took Miho and I....I mean how cool is having your friend fly you around to see the beautiful scene of hawaii?? (Eventhough she was actually just taking a lesson..who cares..FOLKS MY PARENTS STILL HAVE NO IDEA... HUSHHHHHHH)
5. CORNFIELD...hell taking a 3.5 hr bus ride home at 6am is NOT the way to go...when you're on emmm...stuff
4. Mayhem Fridays....with Miho and Eva...What can I say? Our weekends starts early. So what if you walk back to your dorm room at 6 and find your roomate passed out on the couch and her friend starts to force YOU to drink instead? (Errr..sorry were late to the party)
3. Freaking 2001 News Year..I hereby declare Time Square New Year's Eve Count Down is "da shit" but just plainly "shit"..frozen toes..4 where to pee.. BRRRRRR
2. Coming over at 930 to watch "Friends"......Awwwwwwwwwww
1. So here goes..the ULTIMATE piece of UH memory that has been burnt in the back of my brain ..isssssssss.....The night where I finished the entrance English exam, where I went to Donielle's and Miho's dorm apartment for the first all comes back to this moment whenever I think of you guys. Cause its just so weird thinking back to that moment and how little did i know back then...that our friendship can come this far.. Love you guys..
Shinada Miho~~~you have now been offically "PEER PRESSURED" to go to this wedding..eventho we have been long-distance roomates for years will be in my book of "UNCOOL" if you don't go.. =p
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Addicted to flawed protagonists, tragedy and ultimately love...
The Reader
Directed by Stephen Daldry (who also directed Billy Elliot, The Hours)
Within the Oscar Nominated Best Films this year, THIS ONE should be the winner. I still don't understand the hype of Slumdog Millionaire, perhaps it will test positive for generating a stimulus to the economy (Thats what everything is about nowadays..right??) Anyway back to the point, the protagonist Micah(Ralph Fiennes) had an affair with an illiterate older womenHannah (Kate Winslet) when he was younger and she disappeared. Later during his study to become a young law student, he saw her agian in the courtroom where she was prosecuted for war crimes. Micah was ashamed of her and didn't even approached her during the trial, later he had the oppotunity to shine light on her trial but he chose not to because he was too cowardly to meet her again. Both their lives are intertwined and later micah the only one knowing her secret decided to sent tapes to prision to read to her. (Knowing that is her love is to read stories) Hannah has extreme hardship and basically she was sent to life imprisionment and had everything taken from her, due to her character's non-filtered simplicity, I believe tha and t she genuinely did not feel about the war crimes which she was responsible for as she believed in her convictions in completing the job task in which she was ordered to do. Eventho she was imprisioned , but she was not emotionally scarred. Whereas Micah ironically becoming a judge is deeply scarred from this incident, he could not commit to a realationship. While preached from his law school teacher, Micah still fails to do the right then and inevitibly suffers. I believe that Micah's love for Hannah is based on his guilt, he did love her deeply then but its his pride which causes him to make the mistake which irrevocably unables him to have emotional closure with their relationship.

Honestly I did not feel too bad for Hannah , as far as I was concerned she lived and was happy to have learnt to read, I did feel that Micah was such a weak individual eventhough his exterior was hard as metal. Some may find his love for Hannah very romantic but I just wonder if its actual love or is it just the idea of making amends and pityness. Perhaps that is the definition for some at times... And perhaps tragedy is the antidote to love..better than sex...
Favorite Quotation:
"What we feel isn't important. It's utterly unimportant. The only question is what we do."
Let the right one in
Directed by Tomas Alfredson
Another romance tragedy? I certainly think so... eventho the protagonist Oskar and Eli do end up together at the end. But it just feeeeeeeeeeeels sooooooooooooo wrong. These two protagonist end up giving up on humanity in the end and now THAT is creepy. I saw a one liner review on the DVD box saying best vampire movie this year! And I being a HUGE vampire style was thinking about gore underworld slash twilight type but boy was I wrong. The images were non violent not a lot of gore at all, probably only less than 3 minutes of gore scene all together in the movie but i was soooooooo scared that I forced myself to watch another movie before I went to bed. And what scared me the most was the characters themselves and their forbidden love. Did I mention that Oskar is the beat up whimp loner in school that has murder fascinations and ELI even more messed up is a casterated boy vampire? The pedafileness ,gay, violence of the movie is so disturbing it made me feel like the characters in "the reader" had a cruise. This movie is simply a must see, directed wonderfully, beautiful cinemaography, the fact that this movie made me get over the fact that the english was weirdly dubbed over, and people was wearing really tacky 80's eastern europe clothing throught it and I not only managed to sit through it but LOVED it says a whole lot. But trust me I won't be able to stomach a rewatch of this anytime soon (Its THAT F^%*&ed up and Disturbing) ..Perhaps after a year.

Oskar: What happens if I don't?
Oskar: What happens if you walk in anyway?
Oskar: [feels the air between himself and Eli] Is there something in the way?
Note to self: If have raising suspiscion that person is vampire...under no circumstance invite them in... phew...
Where's my bobopang to protect me when I need her..damn..
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Thanks to All
Jon: Glad to know that u still check in from time to time...Hugzzz
Mr and Mrs Siu: Love you guys..Oh..i'm definitely young at heart...some may call it borderline immature..
Woogie: Yay to RSS Radarrrrrrr!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Awful Awful Awful...
With a new turn coming up..with getting quite sick and all. I'm starting to ponder about where I am with my life. I remember I never wanted to live above 30 since I was a child and after 19 years I still feel the same. Always had this zen , disassociate kind of personality. With 1 more year to go.. I should really think about what I want to do whilst approaching the age of life not so worthy of living..
Intercontinental Hotel Coffee Shop some sunday afternoon
A family of 3 enjoying their afternoon tea
Mother: What's with these suicides rates..what happened to the world...
Aged 10 Little Girl: Well ..i'm too scared to do anything like that...ever...but I guess if I had a choice ..I would never want to live when I reach 30...
Mother: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aged 10 Little Girl: Ermmm well maybe 30 something but definitely not after 40
Mother:Why would u say such a thing like that?
Aged 10 Little Girl: Well u get old..and you won't look good..and you can't do as many things in your life anymore just have fun and stuff..
Mother: Well I'm almost 50 now..does that mean that my life is not worth living anymore???
Aged 10 Little Girl: Welll er.... no mother...he he he....
19 years later..the innocence is gone ..but the thoughts are generally the same..the only thing is that I wish to go back and have the same cake set with my mum. Things have changed so much for her...I just want to go back to that moment and live in it in loops.....