Monday, June 01, 2009


Ooooooo hohoho...finally i retrieve all my stuff back from the POOOlice*.. YEAH!!!!!! (Celebrate Good Time song playing in the background) For those who are not clued in..My car got smashed and broken into and my IPOD, GPS, Briefcase, License Plates, and camera was stolen..but the unthinkable happened.. the police actually caught the guy and returned all my stuff to me. And I was soooooooo happy to get my camera back of course..And NOOOOOOOO I don't have PORNISH photos in it.. I despartely wanted to to check if my Moganshan photos were still there.. And yet ALL but one picture is left in my camera.. Waaaaaaait a minute..this is not mine..By God ..can it be?????

Oh yess..its the guy who broke into my car (whom I shall refer as "the dufus" from now on..cos really..i had some doubts on his professionalism when i saw that he decided to break my windshield rather than my side window to open the door to get into my car and this photo further justifies the name) And check it out...he's holding my IPOD too...Kodak Moment Everyone

Here's my recovered items..couldn't get my briefcase , 2 USBs, CD Case with CDs but hey..come on now..this is awesome.. And check it outtttttttt... I actually got an extra pair of Samsung earphones that doesn't belong to me thrown in there.. Would anyone like a stolen pair of earphones?? Any takers??? And can someone care to explain why the dufus wanted my Plates?? I much is metal worth these days?? More than gold?

Anyhoo..i'm happy really.. truly..i mean..i got my stuff stolen..and in my mind it was 99% unrecoverable..and now i have it back... Miraculous .. and i must say I am an anomoly .. And I am going to make this incident to somehow teach myself to be positive.. cos statistics are just statistics..and sometimes the unthinkable happens.. yettttt..i guess it does goes both ways as well like there is a chance of extreme jinx.. urgh.. is this another one of those turning full circle waste of time again..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a great story Eva. Good to hear you got all your things back. I'm disappoined about one thing though, no pornish photos?! I was looking forward to those being leaked online. lols. ;)
