Thursday, January 05, 2006

No more nosebleeds... pls!

Today I was supposed to go to ENT specialist and dentist, but turns out I couldn't go to the dentist coz i had a tiny procedure this morning. I have been having constant nosebleeds for about 3 weeks, hence I decided to see the doctor. At first when the doc was examining me, he saw the blood vessels and we both decided just to try to put some medical cream on it and just see if it gets better. Whilst the examination was over and we were talkin, I immediately had a nosebleed, so he asked me to go to the other room and it was decided I should best have the procedure immediately. Actually during the examination, he sprayed my nose with a light sedative with a label which wrote "10% coccaine" on it. that's how coke feels like... Anyway, before the procedure he gave me another sedative so that I won't feel the burning electrifying pain. The nurse asked me to wait in the room to let the sedative kick in and she was kindly enuff to bring me some newspapers to read. But after like 5 mins, I was already face down on the desk sleeping. Then I had the procedure where the doc would stick some electrifying burning thing up my nose to cluster the blood vessels. He assured me that I should not have any problems for at least a couple years.. how comforting...sigh..

Anyway.. just no more nosebleeds... pls!

1 comment:

Saimun said...

Hope that you won't tell me you have nosebleedssss again! You should trust the specialist!