Monday, March 06, 2006

Ok.. so back to normal.... now my raging pulse has finally gone down after writing that hate mail...
Back to my dear loving friends...

I had a great weekend actually.. my coworkers gave me a bday cake... I went to Shabu Shabu and ate a LOTTA beef then went to Gossip for karaoke.. Gab got me another cake heheheheh... I do think I am wiser.. I said to myself if I drink more I would totally lose it so I got home.. Safe that is.. Then saturday I went to a home party and practiced my Putonghua. Sunday.. was just the normal laundry, cleaning , moping sorta day.. Anyway.. I had fun..

To my friends:

Mun- No worries.. I have the email comment thing set up so I can read your comments
Stupid Wren - Who's fault is it when the person who has the hotel business card just fails to give it to the driver??
Woggie - Thx.. my cup did overflow...
bowto - Come to shanghai and visit..take u to indoor snowboard place
Lun - Thanks.. and your bday coming up also bor..Happy Bday (Fishes are the best)
Jon - Thanks so much for your call too!


Anonymous said...

Indeed, i will be heading to Shanghai for Easter break ! will u be around???
Indoor/the Alps/Indoor/the Alps !?!?! i miss my trip !!!! >< next season. u join me on my board trip k?

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.