但是。。我今天要说一个“奇怪+不可思议的事”。 ****气氛顿然紧张****
今天一大早就要出门了,但是不知道何来的一种不畅的感觉。 不是怕考试而是觉得我会失掉一些东西。嗯。。所以呢。。我特别的注意我的钥匙,皮包和手机。但是不幸的还是发生了!在我在早课上发现我手机没了,但是我是记得我下计程车的时候,我是摸了摸我的口袋+再看车上有没有东西,ok了,才下车的!而且在路上我是没可能掉了,因为我是会听到声音的+从车到课室只是30米的路!唉! 好像x files一样!
1 昨晚我差一点忘了钥匙。。。服务员跑出还给我
2 前两天。。跟朋友提过我是有可以先知不妙的事情的能力
3 因为工作的关系,其实我决定换一个3g的手机
"Phewwwwwwwwwwww" Finally accomplished my exam today..."Yipeeeee"
But we're not gonna talk about that today..but something else..something..dark..eerie.. and out of the ordinary..
****X-file music playin at the background****
So here goes...
This morning as I was heading out bright and early to go to my exam..I had a sense of uneasiness..not becoz that I had a grueling exam to go to..but becoz I had this immense feeling that I'm gonna lose something. So I made sure I was extra careful regardin my personal belongings such as keys, phone and wallet so forth. But the unescapable happened... I LOST MY PHONE...
How you may ask...well as I was steppin out of the cab this morning.. I felt my pockets plus I checked and looked again in the cab. Everything was in order...but later in the morning I found out..I have lost it. Normally, if this kinda thing happens..I would be P-I-S-S-E-D and I would take a fit..but today I felt quite calm and thought to myself "HRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM....WOW...I can't believe my feelings were right.. this is freaky..." then went on about studying. My schoolmate was nice enuff to try to ring me..to see if there's any reception..but in my mind I knew it was gone forever..so I didn't even bother to go look for it...
Apparently phones DO EVAPORATE THRU THIN AIR...u kno..*X-file theme playin again in the background*..dude..I don't even wanna bother to think how it happened..there's like an infinite amount of possibilities how it can occur..MAYBE..i dropped it when I was walkin from the cab to my classroom..which was btw just 30meters ..which btw could have made some noise which apparently im too deaf to notice..or MAYBE..it was zapped by ALIENS during class or just MAYBE my memory is F$%^-ing with me and in fact I left it in the cab..i simply realize I would never find out (its times like now that I wish I was on a Reality TV show..so I can kno what the hell happened)
Maybe those of you who went to AC would understand the "Cassandra Complex"..you kno.. Cassandra was the prophet of Oedipus..where she was damned when she predicted that Oedipus would slaughter his own father and screw his own mom. As I was saying ..the "Cassandra Complex" is when a prophecy is told but you have no power to escape what is predestined for you..An oxy-moron at its fullest... I mean..WHAT"S UP WITH THAT?..and u kno what??? before I once wanted to name my daughter Cassandra..and give her a little cute nick name called Cassie..GOD..this is just too ironic to be happening to me...spare me from the torment....
PS. The English and Chinese version of this entry is slightly different.. I kno... I try not translate stuff coz it'll lose the touch..and I express myself better when I do this
PPS. Soooooooooooo..... lets do a poll.. what 3G phone should I get?
bobopang~ 睇黎妳開始慣妳上海既life~ 起碼我唔覺得妳係度悶先啦~ 5/1就黎,妳呢個大陸LABOUR應該都有假放架啦...有就返黎搵下我地Happy啦...
Have you paid off your previous lease? I totally agree with your friend WREN (though I don't know who it is) that you are a LOSER. You are STUPID! And no, you don't have that super power in predicting the future. You're just being delusional...
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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