Thursday, August 03, 2006


Oh it was a quick trip.. I arrived to Cork airport around midnite..checked in the hotel..checked my emails..waited for the SHA office to open..sent some more emails and went to bed around 3am..woke up at 9am..headed out. So I heard that Kinsale was a nice town by the I just asked to front desk to the nearest bus station ..then waitied..the people in Ireland are generally REALLY nice.. I kinda forgot how cultivated human beings can be.. a couple of ppl chatted me up while I was waiting for the bus and the bus station manager even made sure I got on the right bus. How nice..

I arrived to Kinsale half an hour later..walked around a was really a relaxing place..and they had a Farmer's market that day which was just lovely.. a lot of homemade food.. cheese..pies..jam..meat loaf..hummus..crepes.. all the food u can get. There were 2 musicians playing jazz in the the place was like sooo decent and relaxing..there was this little kid dancing along too.. Sooo cute.. (Check the clip) Anyway..after grabbing some food I got a can of Druids Premium Irish Cider...It was quite nice..after that I waited to get on the bus to head back...

Eventho it was just 2 hrs in this little town..but it felt felt different..I mean..the world is a vast place and sometimes when u think you're trapped or cagged..u just have to kno what santuaries are prolly just hours away.

Anyhoo.. enjoy the pics

Farmer's Market and Roasted Potatoes ...MmMMmMMmmm

Lovely Streets of Kinsale, Ireland

Me fooling around wid the cam in the cabin w/c

1 comment:

Edmlee said...

Now you been to Ireland too? so envious... damn...

I was surprised to hear that you say the ppl are nice; thought they should be 'redheads' with a quick temper tim. Yar Matey~