Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Congrats AA

Okay... so today I just went to a cocktail party of an international airline. And of coz.. like all cocktail parties..yes ..they had an open bar.. Well I had like 6 or 7 glasses of white wine before dinner..and a glass of champagne during dinner..and i must admit i was slightly buzzed thru the whole dinner. Not that anyone noticed tho..and that reminded me how much i miss alcholol. I've known I've said I would quit chronic drinking..which I still vow to do...becauseeeeeeee...FIRST OF ALL.. I act like a fuckin idoit when im drunk (I'm sure a lotta ya would vouch for that) 2ND OF ALL ...I think it just ain't cool anymore for me to act like a fuckin idoit at my age... However I do miss the buzz and all...Anyhoo..after the dinner.. I went to have a massage and it felt extra nice..Gosh skool for tmr again... I hope I can get up...


Anonymous said...

babe, this is what we called ALCOHOL ABUSE and your agitating response towards our parties is obvioualy WITHDRAWAL!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.