Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Self-induced vertigo

Last night I was watching the "Stephanie Suen" conert on DVD and I came across my favourite song. I remember I obsessed about that song like 3 years ago, like kept listening to it again and again.

It's such a depressing song, I would totally like feel down and depressed everytime I listen to it. Knowingly so, I kept repeating the song this morning. Hrmm .. I guess sometimes its good to get depressed on purpose so you would remind yourself of how it feels like so that you won't want to feel like that again? Okay..I feel like I'm Woody Allen here.. Does anyone follow??

The Song

Wren: I can't help it that I'm popular worldwide and *Slap*. No one talks shit about my Onitsuka Tigers..NO ONE! LOLS..
LB: I'll spell things the way I want to ...mmmm kay? I can even spell u're name backwards if I wanted to.. BL... there..see..


Anonymous said...

Is this like:
I don't want to belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member, thing?

Well, don't waste your energy by getting depressed. Use your energy to get more Jp clients. So that we can throw another party at my apartment, ne.


Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.